Thursday, 12 September 2013

Module 6 - Chapter 8

Fun with photographs and Photocopies

I have certainly learned to do a lot more with my computer on this course.  During this module I came across some quite clever things such as speech bubbles, writing on photos etc.  However next time I thought about using them I couldn't find them.  Perhaps I should go on a Mac course one of these days.  However I have been using Picassa for years and it is very straightforward apart from the fact that right now I can't get a changed photo from where I have it to here!

Using photographs
This picture turned out far too simplistic.  The original pic shows the cow in a field looking over a gate with lots of others.  When I put him by himself I should have made the painting more interesting.  I would  not use it like this. Also he is not as well 'embedded' as he should be.

Cutting into strips or squares.
When I then cut the above picture up to rearrange it, of course it didn't look at all interesting, so I combined it with one of the gate pictures.

This is the same combination as above, but woven.

I tried a variation on the waterlilies picture, but oh it certainly does depend on the picture one is using. This was most disappointing.

Then I tried a different ratio with another picture, but still not good.

I have one of Sandra Meech's books, bought whilst on a course with her, so I have a ready reference to her work which is very useful.

In the last chapter I used the writing on one of my sheep pictures. Here it is again since I quite like it.

I used a black and white photocopy of one of my cog pictures cut up and rearranged.  I think this could have potential.

I used a black and white copy of the cogs and then painted over it with blue and pink Then glued torn strips of tissue with writing over the top.   It all looked rather dark and strange.  I then had the odd idea to print on it in white, using a foam block of a tree and my sheep, plus bubble wrap.  Looks quite out of place in this chapter.

Take a fragment and draw to complete. I used one of my barn pictures that was on a transparent sheet to photocopy. The pen I used to draw on the black was tricky. It is a Zig Writer in chalk pastel white, but the odd thing was it is clear when you are using it and not white until it dries.  Makes things a little different. I should have switched to a white crayon.

The collage of photos included one I don't think I have shown before. It is a tiny baby pipestrelle bat. We found him in the sitting room and he was not even as big as the top joint of my thumb. When it started to get dark we put him outside and he crawled out of his box.  When my back was turned he disappeared. Apparently at that age/size if they call to their mother she can come and pick him up by the scruff of his neck and take him away.  Ahhhh.

This chapter was very informative and certainly covered an awful lot of techniques, many of which I need to give more time and attention and hope to do so soon.  I feel there is room for lots of improvement here.

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